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Cricket world Cup VS Football World Cup in 2024

Comparing the Cricket World Cup and the Football (Soccer) World Cup involves looking at several aspects:

cricket vs football

Start in 1975Start in 1930
Participants 20 teamParticipants 32 team
Australia Achive 5 World Cup Brazil Achive World Cup
1 time in 4 year1 time in 4 year
Winner Amount 13.CrWinner Amount 340 Cr
Country 105Country 200
  1. Popularity and Global Reach: Football World Cup (FIFA World Cup) is generally more popular globally and has a larger fan base compared to the Cricket World Cup. Football is played and followed extensively in more countries around the world.
  2. Frequency: The Football World Cup is held every four years, while the Cricket World Cup used to be held every four years as well, but as of recent years has been held every two years.
  3. Format: Cricket World Cup typically features fewer teams (10-20 teams) compared to the Football World Cup, which includes 32 teams.
  4. Duration: The Football World Cup is longer, spanning about a month, while the Cricket World Cup can vary in duration depending on the format (ODI or T20), but generally also takes several weeks.
  5. Cultural Impact: Football has a deeper cultural impact in many regions, often transcending national boundaries and playing a significant role in societal identity.
  6. Viewership: The Football World Cup attracts a larger global viewership compared to the Cricket World Cup, although both events draw massive audiences.
  7. Economic Impact: Both events generate substantial revenue through broadcasting rights, sponsorships, merchandise, and tourism, contributing significantly to the economies of host countries.

In essence, while both the Cricket World Cup and the Football World Cup are prestigious international tournaments, football tends to have a broader global appeal and a larger following worldwide. However, the popularity of each sport can vary significantly depending on the region and cultural context.

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